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Singers from all over the Chicagoland Area perform excerpts from opera, operetta, musical theatre, cabaret, and zarzuela - a panoply of well-loved musical favorites as well as delightful surprises from the lesser known repertoire.

Why Give?
The art of music is a collaborative process on a grand scale, involving a wide range of extraordinary talents and partnerships. It requires creative teamwork onstage, behind the scenes, and between the company and the community it serves. Your gift in support of North Shore Opera Hour is worthy of an ovation! In fact, it is the support of individual friends like you that make these performances possible.
Your contribution will allow us:
To educate the community about music and theatre by producing public performances of staged musical works and concerts. The average cost for one production is about $1200.
To enrich the community by giving outreach performances in schools, community centers, retirement homes and other venues. 
To partner with other arts organizations to produce works on a larger scale. 
Your support makes a big difference!

Please make your check payable to 
North Shore Opera Hour
3300 N. Pacific Ave.

Chicago, IL 60634
We are a 501(c)3 organization!

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